Disable SystemUpdateService


blankOK Google, Sleep!
This is a simple app to fix SystemUpdateService wakelock which keeps your favorite Android device awake and drains much battery. [Root required]
This app is provided \’AS IS\’, use under your own risk! If you don\’t have this problem, don\’t install it!
Install the app on your device. Launch it once. Grant it root permission. Forget it.
It needs to autostart every time your device boots. Don\’t kill it manually or \”Force Stop\” it, please.
If you don\’t want it anymore, uninstall it from Settings, and reboot.
If the app doesn\’t work for you, please enclose your device model, Android version, Google Play Service and Google Service Framework version in your comments. These information are useful to me and everyone. If you are a developer and want to help me, please post any useful information at https://github.com/Jamesits/DisableSystemUpdateService/issues .
Released under GPL3. For more information, see https://github.com/Jamesits/DisableSystemUpdateService

To Download Disable SystemUpdateService For PC,users need to install an Android Emulator like MuMu player.With Mumu player,you can Download Disable SystemUpdateService for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 and Laptop.

How to Play Disable SystemUpdateService on PC,Laptop,Windows

1.Download and Install MuMu Player Android Emulator.Click "Download MuMu Player" to download.

2.Run MuMu Player Android Emulator and login Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Disable SystemUpdateService and download,

Or import the apk file from your PC Into MuMu Player to install it.

4.Install Disable SystemUpdateService for PC.Now you can play Disable SystemUpdateService on PC.Have fun!

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