Label: ★Install

Xposed Wi-Fi-Pwd

Xposed Wi-Fi-Pwd

Vereisten:★Android 4.0+ and ROOT★It Requires Xposed FrameworkThis is a simple app to view the Wi-Fi password stored in the android phone.Install Instructions★Install Xposed Installer★Install Xposed Framework (from the Xposed Installer app)★Install Wi-Fi-Pwd★Activate the module in Xposed Installer app★Configure the ...


Use USB for Marshmallow

Use USB for Marshmallow

*** THIS APP IS FOR ROOTED PHONES ****** THIS APP IS THE XPOSED MODULE ******* THIS APP IS FOR MARSHMALLOW PHONES ***Set MTP or PTP as Default USB Connection on Marshmallow with this app.There is no settings for this app, Just enable this app in the Xposed Installer and Reboot.Once you connect the phone to the ...