Schild: Astronomie

Space for Kids Star Walk 2

Space for Kids Star Walk 2

Sternenwanderung 2: Space for Kids vermittelt Ihren Kindern die Grundlagen der Astronomie in einer leicht zugänglichen und faszinierenden Form. Die App ist ein unterhaltsames Astronomiespiel, mit dem Kinder viele neue und interessante Informationen über das Sonnensystem erfahren, Planeten, Kometen, Sterne und Sternbilder, der Polarstern, das ...




SkyORB is a fast and lightweight astronomy app including a 3D star map, 3D planetarium, ephemeris with notifications, Suchmaschine, sun clock, point to sky, Wetter, und mehr. Klicken \"...More\" to learn why you should download this App today!We love SkyORB because it not only offers 3D images of the planets and the ...


NightSky for Muzei

NightSky for Muzei

A free, astronomy themed wallpaper extension for Muzei showcasing a night sky image feed from 500px.This app requires Muzei activate, simply launch Muzei and pick this extension as the wallpaper source.All images are copyrighted to their respective ...




Get the latest pictures from NASA\'s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) service.Each day a different image or photograph of our universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.---Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) is a website provided by NASA and Michigan Technological ...