Schild: Gesellschaft

Gun shot Champion 2

Gun shot Champion 2

--- Notice -----It has become the classification warning as unnecessary program at a specific virus program, the Company, it does not save all of the contents of the customer.It ignores the contents of the warning is also.If you delete, data of all existing game will be deleted.We are promoting the request to a ...


Tabak Inc. (Cigarette Inc.)

Tabak Inc. (Cigarette Inc.)

Sie waren Präsident eines Tabakunternehmens. Sie haben neue Sorten und verschiedene Zusatzstoffe entwickelt und Zigaretten mit hohem Suchtpotenzial hergestellt, Das Unternehmen zum besten Unternehmen der Welt ausbauen.Erreichen 99.9% der weltweiten Raucherquote und 99.9% des Marktanteils. Die Zukunft der Zigarette liegt bei Ihnen. Es ist ein Simulationsspiel ...


Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

This app requires appropriate commercial Office 365 Abonnement. If you are not sure about your company\'s subscription or the services you have access to, please contact your IT department.Microsoft Teams is your chat-centered workspace in Office 365. Instantly access all your team\'s content from a single place ...


Syria. Krieg. Strategie.

Syria. Krieg. Strategie.

What do you know about the conflict in Syria? The war which has lasted for about 4 Jahre. Come in the company for the Syrian leader, win terrorism and dive into the history of the conflict.Your destiny is in your hands.Thanks to site for information*No Internet connection required**No ...


Tore des Krieges

Tore des Krieges

Play the world\'s first truly real-time strategy game on mobile. Gates of WarTM ist ein bahnbrechender Sci-Fi-Action-RTS-Titel, mit Einzelspieler- und MMO-Action. Spielen Sie mehrere, vollständig vertonte Kampagnen, Bauen Sie Ihre Basis auf und tragen Sie den Kampf zum Feind. Attack other players\' bases and defend your own in tactical PVP ...


The Executive

The Executive

From the creators of the award-winning \"Pizza Vs. Skeletons\" comes The Executive: ein rasantes, cinematic, martial arts action game designed from the ground up for iPhone and iPad. You are the CEO of a company that has been infiltrated by werewolves, and it\'s your job to save your employees, and eventually the ...


Adventure Company

Adventure Company

Take to the skies and manage your Adventure Company, a group of warriors dedicated to exploring and finding ancient relics from a mysterious past. Build a team, discover dozens of classes, aufleveln, neue Fähigkeiten erlernen, and find powerful equipment. Use planning and strategy to conquer a variety of unique environments and ...




Reservator is an open source meeting room display system for tablets. Mount your tablet next to your meeting rooms door, install Reservator and you\'re good to go! Reservator uses your Google calendar\'s resources for booking so you can use it, zum Beispiel, for conference rooms, classrooms or for lending a video ...


Office Space: Idle Profits

Office Space: Idle Profits

You are a disgruntled employee at Initech and layoffs are imminent. You need a plan to get back at the company, big time. Team up with Peter, Samir, and Michael to install a virus in the company\'s mainframe that will siphon undetectable pennies out of each department and place it in your own retirement account. It\'s ...


Sparsecast Hyperlocal Forecast

Sparsecast Hyperlocal Forecast

Sparsecast provides weather predictions minute-to-minute for the next hour and both hour-to-hour and day-to-day for the next week. Forecasts are hyperlocal, genau, and concise accounts of conditions at any location.Natural language summaries digest complex weather data down to a few lines.- \"Light rain starting in ...