Schild: Tschechisch



QCurrency+ is a currency converter and calculator tool for traveler, with intuitive interface, easy operation and good interaction !。Add currency conversion history, let you know how much you spend in home / local currency day by day !。Drag the window anywhere you like ;-)。Custom exchange rateEnable App Overlapping, ...


Pool Live Tour 2

Pool Live Tour 2

Collect a vast assortment of cues, build out your own pool club, and take on some of the strongest pool competition in Pool Live Tour 2, now premiering in Czech Republic and Slovakia with more countries being added soon!Merkmale:- Brand new 3-D physics that open up new possibilities for trick shots, swerve shots, und ...


Papyros Progress

Papyros Progress

Papyros is a new operating system, derzeit in der Entwicklung. It uses Google\'s Material Design and is based on Arch Linux. Take a look at the homepage: There is a progress bar showing the progress of the next release milestone. I have created two widgets to show the progress on the home screen of your ...