Schild: Fußballer

Kleiner Löwe

Kleiner Löwe

Dies ist eine erstaunliche und wunderschöne Geschichte über ein ungezogenes Kind mit dem Spitznamen „Kleiner Löwe“.,Wer hat den kindischen Traum, Fußballer zu werden, aber ,als seine Eltern dagegen waren, our hero decided to be quits his own way.All the events will take place at the main hero\'s house.In each room you will have to break,spoil and damage ...


Angry Footballer

Angry Footballer

Smash your way through the endless arcade action of Angry Footballer!An angry footballer lays in bed dreaming angry dreams. He awakens to find himself in paradise - endless mountains littered with awaiting victims. Time your movements to soar over mountains and swoop into valleys, while tallying up your smash count. ...