Schild: Funktion

Kumamon Weight

Kumamon Weight

Diet app that weight management character of the famous bear of Japan \"Kumamon\" appeared!Kumamon will support your diet.Morning, evening, I can record the body weight, body fat percentage West before bedtime.Diet can be handy as much as measure of reputation if you do not rebound.Record of West because you can, ...


Dinos Online

Dinos Online

With the instinct of dinosaurs, attack and hunt without halt!Find and hunt prey for your survival, and grow faster and more strongly than other dinosaur tribes.You can protect your tribe from the threat and attacks of other tribes, and enjoy hunting with friends from all over the world. Don\'t miss out the opportunity ...


LED-Taschenlampe – Taschenlampe

LED-Taschenlampe – Taschenlampe

Vergessen Sie die anderen Taschenlampen-Apps. Denn Sie haben die schönste und hellste Taschenlampe.* Die hellsten LED- und Bildschirmlichter* Finden Sie mit der Kameravorschaufunktion ganz einfach Dinge, die in jeder Ecke versteckt sind.* Mit Widget, Verwenden Sie die Taschenlampe, ohne die App zu starten.* Leicht zugängliche Blitz- und SOS-Funktion.* Einfach und einfach ...


Statusleiste Pro

Statusleiste Pro

Status Bar Pro help you using your device to easy and quickly.You can make it look like it\'s magic:- Wischen Sie nach unten, Wische nach rechts, Nach links wischen, Klopfen, Doppeltippen, Drücken Sie lange auf die Statusleiste, um:* Statusleiste erweitern* Bildschirm ausschalten* Einstellung* Zurück zum Startbildschirm* Schnell nach Apps suchen* Schnelleinstellung (Sie haben die Steuerplatine bereitgestellt)* ...


SNU LEIHangeul

SNU LEI – Hangeul

* Product InformationThis \'Hangeul (Korean Alphabet)\' application enables foreign learners without experience of the Korean language to easily comprehend the sounds and shapes of Korean consonants and vowels. It consists of various educational activities that teach Korean pronunciation and writing, so learners can ...


AudioPocket BETA

AudioPocket BETA

AudioPocket is a simple and easy to use free application that turns any one of your favourite videos into audio that is streamed directly on your device in the background. Play nearly any video in the background with your screen off or on!Please give us your thoughts on the new updates but please go easy on the low ...


Murderer Online

Murderer Online

Unheimlich, horrifying feast of murder. Breathless, intense horror game between a cruel murderer and beautiful fugitive.Will you be a brutal murderer, or a fugitive who runs away and hides from a murderer?Using various geographic features, a murderer can feel the excitement of finding and killing a beauty who tries to ...


PDF Reader

PDF Reader

The PDF reader smoothly is a major highlight.Page Not fancy, focus on your reading, you create an atmosphere of quiet reading. This is a very simple and easy to use PDF reader APP, gem PDF reader can stand out by not complicated function, but read simply: focus, seriously.This is a PDF reader you deserve APP, ...


Can You Escape Apartment Room3

Can You Escape Apartment Room3

\'Can You Escape Apartment Room 3?\' is an escape puzzle game with 20rooms.This is a room escape game where you need to escape several rooms in order to complete the game. It starts easy and is going harder with every level. Are you able to escape the rooms? Take your time and try it out!20 Ebenen und ...




Diese App wurde entwickelt, um physische Bücher zu verwalten. Scan books\' Barcode, und Bücher werden dem Bücherregal hinzugefügt. Sie können Buchinformationen aufzeichnen, Lesestatus, Anmerkungen, Etiketten und etc. Mit Suchfunktion, Sie brauchen nicht in Ihrem Haus nach einem Buch zu stöbern, und Sie können vermeiden, dasselbe Buch zu kaufen, das Sie haben. Diese App ...