Schild: hoffen

Verrückte Magie (Unveröffentlicht)

Verrückte Magie (Unveröffentlicht)

Als Mitglied der Raumflotte, Sie wurden während Ihrer Planetenerkundungsmission von einigen unbekannten Feinden angegriffen. Alle anderen 12 außer dir wurden Flotten vernichtet. There were wreckages of Space Fleets everywhere, leaving you isolated in despair. Jedoch, you cannot give up. You have to try to collect the remaining ...


Welcome to Paradise

Welcome to Paradise

You wake up near a plane crash in the middle of a desert. Your only salvation lies in following letters left by the pilot, hoping someone will come to save him. To survive this endeavor you must find. . . Rick Tanely.Welcome to Paradise.A non-traditional exploration title from Bunny Metal Entertainment. Explore the ...


Hades' Stern

Hades' Stern

STORYThe first Scout ships we sent into the newly discovered Hades Galaxy confirmed what our greediest Corporations were hoping for: A new world filled with rich star systems and rare resources. Subsequent reports of hostile environments, unstable stars, and a mysterious indigenous race were quickly dismissed. Fest ...




Minima is a new music player with the best design ever made. We started the development of the app few months ago with the idea to offer you a new experience with musics players. We work on it every week to upgrade it and add more features. There is actually few abilities, a playlist system, Benachrichtigung, fortschrittlich ...


Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge

Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge

Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge is a Decision Games card game that recreates the famous World War Two battle (16-31 Dez 1944) in which the German Army mounted a surprise attack on the thin U.S. forces deployed in the Ardennes region hoping to breakthrough to the English Channel and split the allied forces.In the game ...


Skype Preview (Unveröffentlicht)

Skype Preview (Unveröffentlicht)

By downloading Skype Preview, you’ll gain early access to our newest — and coolest — features. Na sicher, while you’re having fun, know that this is a work in progress, so we’ll be hoping to get your vital feedback as we add new enhancements and features. Simply click the heart icon on the main screen, and you will be ...


Anruf & SMS-Ansager – Spkr

Anruf & SMS-Ansager – Spkr

Spkr gibt die Anrufer-ID oder den Namen des Kontakts bekannt (wenn der Anrufer in Ihrer Kontaktliste ist) für alle Anrufe und SMS-Nachrichten. Ankündigungsskripte sind anpassbar. Sie können auswählen, Anrufe anzukündigen & SMS-Nachrichten, wenn nur Kopfhörer angeschlossen sind. Sie können SMS- und/oder Anrufansagen auch einzeln aktivieren. Ich hoffe, etwas hinzuzufügen ...