Schild: integrity

MD5 Checker

MD5 Checker

The MD5 hash (Message Digest algorithm 5), also known as checksum, is something like a \"fingerprint\" of the file. This App can be useful both for comparing the downloaded files and their integrity control.


HashStamp MD5 & SHA1 Generator

HashStamp MD5 & SHA1 Generator

Generieren, Kopieren, Paste, Vergleichen, or Share hash codes in order to check file integrity. Works with MD5 and SHA1 hash codes from text and files. Fast and simple checking of file integrity via MD5 summing and generating SHA1 hashes as well. Compare hash codes against clipboard. Pick a file and share it to HashStamp to ...


EteSyncSecure Sync

EteSync – Secure Sync

Sicher, End-to-End encrypted and journalized personal information synchronization for Android. Currently only contacts and calendars, with more on the way.In order to use this application you need to have an account with EteSync.Check out for more information.We welcome and encourage feedback, ...