Schild: Lieferungen

Dead Age

Dead Age

Survive the zombie apocalypse with turn-based combat and permanent death! Manage survivors, go on dangerous scavenging runs, Allianzen aufbauen, craft equipment, make difficult story-influencing decisions, defend your camp against undead hordes and experience non-linear rogue-lite elements. An innovative Indie ...


PigBang: Slice and Dice

PigBang: Slice and Dice

Do you want to have a constant opportunity to take part in a funny and dynamic online fight at your finger tips? Then PingBang is for you! We\'ve put together the best for you! Bauen, shoot and command your troops in arcade MOBA of a new generation. Play with your friends whilst convenient adaptable control and ...


Kill Me Again : Infectors

Kill Me Again : Infectors

Mercs are the only people mad enough to survive in this dismal future. Keep the squalid survivors safe and your gun loaded in Kill Me Again.Uncover the plot behind the mutant outbreak. Escape through the city streets in a constant fight for your life. Pick up new guns, upgrade your survival gear, and gather a network ...




Jahr 2072, the world is surrounded by zombies. The human has to live underground or inside abandoned buildings. There is a group of survivors names MPS-16 who wants to gather other living one. They are travelling around the world to find supplies and survivors.There is a news from activated radio said that some ...


Castaway Cove

Castaway Cove

Willkommen auf der Insel Castaway Cove!Sammle Überlebende, um ein Inselparadies zu errichten, as they collect supplies and resources by exploring the mysteries of the island.Features:*Erschließen Sie sich den Sanddollar-Reichtum, mit denen Sie Ihr Dorf aufwerten und verbessern können!*Discover and collect rare survivors who work ...