Schild: Unterwelt

Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami ist ein rasantes Actionspiel voller brutaler Brutalität, hartgesottenes Gunplay und schädelbrechender Nahkampf. Stellen Sie eine Alternative ein 1989 Miami, Du schlüpfst in die Rolle eines mysteriösen Antihelden bei einem mörderischen Amoklauf gegen die düstere Unterwelt, auf Geheiß von Stimmen auf deinem Anrufbeantworter. Soon ...


Robot Race

Robot Race

Race across science-fiction landscapes of the future as the last hope for humanity: The Robots! Whether it\'s the mile-high apartments, the underworld caverns, or the still-functioning military complexes, all is fair in Robot Race!---------------------------Each robot can transform into either a car or plane depending ...




Octave is a point \'n click horror-adventure game with elements of action and quest.You play the role of a guy who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You are dragged into a dark forest, but on the verge of death, you are mysteriously saved from your killer by a someone or something.As you venture ...