Etichetta: colpisce

Città di Shojo

Città di Shojo

A Shoujo City ce l'hai 10 giorni per cercare di conquistare l'amore di una ragazza facendole dei regali, giocare, o andare a date regolari. Mentre parla con una ragazza, each dialogue choice affects your intimacy score.Game features:* Alternating day/night cycles* Hand-drawn anime pixelart graphics* Some gifts (come gli scoiattoli) you give ...


Cribbage With Grandpas

Cribbage With Grandpas

Cribbage With Grandpas is a game where you play cribbage with your grandpa. It features a grandpa creator which allows the player to create a grandpa of their choosing and select what personality they should have (grumpy, sciocco, dolce, eccetera.) which affects light dialogue during play.Cribbage is a pre-existing card game ...


The Westport Independent

The Westport Independent

A game about Censorship, Corruption and NewspapersThe Westport Independent is a censorship simulator taking place in a post-war country, governed by the recently elected Loyalist Party. As the editor of one of the last independent newspapers in the country, your job is to remove and edit the content of your paper, ...