Etichetta: Destini

Lost Fates

Lost Fates

Welcome again to Vietnam!*The game is more difficult than the fate of a man, after Vietnam war*Lost Fates its a classical action platformer in pixel style about Vietnam war.The game tells about the usual guy who went through Vietnam war.But can not forget this ...Flashback visit him every day ...Napalm , gooks and ...


Troll Face Quest video meme

Troll Face Quest video meme

I fan dei giochi di fuga gratuiti adoreranno i nuovi e intelligenti livelli di meme video di \"TrollTube\" pieno di umorismo slapstick contorto, sfortunati destini da toilette e clic ben pianificati (o trucchi)!Intrattieni il tuo cervello con altri teaser punta e clicca pieni di barzellette, scherzi ed enigmi che prenderanno in giro chiunque e ...


Battle Of Fates

Battle Of Fates

Battle of Fates is an innovative 3D War Chess-MOBA RPG inspired by the classic Card Game, War Chess and MOBA, featuring fun of collecting heroes, strategy of choosing best match for different battles, RTS & War Chess control in the battle and real person PK presented in really amazing art work. There are epic ...