Etichetta: oblivion

Figaro Pho – Paura degli alieni

Figaro Pho – Paura degli alieni

Figaro si ritrova nel mezzo di un'avventura soprannaturale - pipistrelli vampiri arrabbiati, alieni armati di pistole a raggi, e UFO con raggi traenti. What\'s our phobic hero to do? Sta implementando contemporaneamente le sue due tattiche difensive preferite: correre e urlare. Ha altre opzioni, compreso il potere di ...


Herald of Oblivion

Herald of Oblivion

** CRASH BUG FIXED! In a number of instances some Android devices were not fully downloading the game - this is now fixed! Sorry for any inconvenience. **A vast choice-based digital gamebook set within the Warhammer 40,000 universe where you are a Space Marine!You are a veteran Space Marine of the Imperial Fists ...


Ships of Fury

Ships of Fury

Sail the seas, discover new lands and prove your worth as a voyager! Gather your heroes and ships and tear your enemy a new hole! Challenge and defeat foes and giant monsters that stand in your way, and conquer the waters!HERO POWERChoose from over 30 heroes with 3 attack modes, each with their own strengths and ...