

blankDeze app is een proefversie met maximaal vijf wijzigingen. Je kunt de pro-versie hier zonder beperkingen kopen:
This app allows you to easily add, items wijzigen of verwijderen (dichtbij) stock Android Settings.
– Naam
Specify the name for the item
– Icoon
Choose an icon from installed applications or make your own and choose it from your pictures
– Categorie
Specify an existing category to add it to that category or make your own category
– Pakket
Choose the app to launch in a list of installed applications or specify the package name yourself
Settings fragment
Allows you to specify a custom Settings screen (advanced user feature)
Same options as add, just enter the name of the item you want to change, and you can change its icon, or launch app/settings fragment
Just enter the name of the item you want to remove
You can easily modify a setting by just clicking it or remove the modification by long clicking it.
Opmerking: This is an Xposed Module which requires the Xposed Framework to work. You can find more about the Xposed Framework here:

To Download Settings Editor For PC,gebruikers moeten een Android-emulator zoals MuMu-speler installeren. Met Mumu-speler,you can Download Settings Editor for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 en laptop.

How to Play Settings Editor on PC,laptop,ramen

1.Download en installeer MuMu Player Android Emulator.Klik op "MuMu Player downloaden" downloaden.

2.Voer MuMu Player Android Emulator uit en log in op Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Settings Editor and download,

Of importeer het apk-bestand van uw pc in MuMu Player om het te installeren.

4.Install Settings Editor for PC.Now you can play Settings Editor on PC.Have fun!

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