Swipe for Facebook


blankWhy sacrifice form or function when you can have both? Swipe for Facebook is the best Facebook wrapper app out there, integrating the lightweight Facebook website into a familiar user interface that is much like the original Facebook app.
What you get is a lightweight, highly customizable, and battery-friendly Facebook app that emphasizes on user interface and user experience as much as functionality and design.
It\’s better in every single way. You\’ll feel it.
Pro version available here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happening.studios.swipeforfacebookpro
Upcoming features in the works:
Hide sponsored content*
Hide people you may know*
Improved power saving mode*
New app icon (vergelijkbaar, but possibly simpler)*
PIN and fingerprint security**
Save photos locally**
Full screen videos**
Possible DayNight theming (automatic theme change after specific hour)**
Possibly caching tabs (still looking into how I can achieve this efficiently)***
Video upload***
*this week
**possibly next week
***indefinitely soon, still figuring things out
For any more bugs or feedback, please leave go through the app\’s settings and press the Bug Report button.

To Download Swipe for Facebook For PC,gebruikers moeten een Android-emulator zoals MuMu-speler installeren. Met Mumu-speler,you can Download Swipe for Facebook for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 en laptop.

How to Play Swipe for Facebook on PC,laptop,ramen

1.Download en installeer MuMu Player Android Emulator.Klik op "MuMu Player downloaden" downloaden.

2.Voer MuMu Player Android Emulator uit en log in op Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Swipe for Facebook and download,

Of importeer het apk-bestand van uw pc in MuMu Player om het te installeren.

4.Install Swipe for Facebook for PC.Now you can play Swipe for Facebook on PC.Have fun!

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