Label: testen

PhoneGap Developer

PhoneGap Developer

The PhoneGap Developer is a testing utility for web developers and designers using the PhoneGap framework. After installing the PhoneGap Developer you can connect to your PhoneGap desktop app to instantly view and test your project on the device.




Ever wanted to see the activity of your device in real time? Now you can keep an eye on CPU load and network activity at all times with a stylish yet minimalist overlay.Two configurable bars overlay the top of the status bar and glow in and out of opacity as CPU load and network activity change.Features:-1 Statusbalk ...


Yandex.Browser bèta

Yandex.Browser bèta

Find out first about Yandex.Browser\'s upcoming features by testing the new version of the program before its official release.Please note, de bètaversie kan onstabiel zijn en is bedoeld voor ervaren gebruikers die bereid zijn bugs en problemen te melden. U kunt uw feedback sturen via de browserinstellingen of naar ...