Label: twelve

Zodiac Constellations

Zodiac Constellations

What sign of zodiac were you born in? With the help of this little app you’ll discover the dates of the twelve Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. You’ll also enjoy the most beautiful 3D models of constellations, look at them from ...


Beasty Karts

Beasty Karts

Race your friends and destroy the competition in over twelve challenging race tracks. Show off your uniqueness with an assortment of stylish karts and skins to choose from. Upgrade your weapons and stop your foes in their tracks.Beat your previous time in single Player mode and hone yourracing skills.All that stands ...


Battlestar Galactica:Squadrons

Battlestar Galactica:Squadrons

If the world as you knew it was destroyed, how far would you go to get it back?The Cylons have returned to the Twelve Colonies after a forty-year absence. Bent on revenge, they unleash nuclear weapons powerful enough to destroy human civilization... and nearly succeed. The only survivors of the Cylon assault are a ...




Friday night, a random night out, evenement, concert? You\'ve got your mates, you take pictures and you know the night is going to be off the hook. Create a Flashgap album, invite your friends and take pictures all night long. The next day at twelve (noon), receive the full album. Everyone will be in for a great ...