Guerriers robotiques


Robotic Warriors est le jeu de stratégie de combat qui vous propulse dans le monde en pleine croissance des combats de robots. En tant que robot tacticien, vous dirigerez une équipe de robots 3D visuellement époustouflants pour combattre dans la World Robot League. Be sure to keep your friends close and your enemies closer as your quest for supremacy is sure to be filled with deception, greed and conspiracy.
To compete on the world\’s largest stage you must assemble the ultimate team of robots and mastermind a tactical battle plan that suits to your skills and strengths. Will you command a team of melee specialists? Ranged attackers? An eclectic mix of both? The decision is yours to make and yours alone.
Il faut se méfier. Your robot selection can only take you so far. The most important decisions you\’ll make happen even before you step into the arena. Rare and powerful AI Chips will need to be collected, programmed and installed to enhance performance in the arena, ultimately tipping the tide of battle in the your favor.
Do you have what it takes to emerge as the World Champion? Striking the perfect combination of robots, AI Chip optimizations, and arena skills will lead you to total domination.
Collect and Battle RobotsAmass a squad of distinctive robots! Each possesses visually dynamic weapons, special characteristics and unique skills for you to command and unleash in battle.
Program and Install AI ChipsMaximize your robot\’s performance by strategically utilizing AI Chips before battle. Doing so will alter robot behaviors and be the ultimate key to emerging victorious.
Explore a Stunning Futuristic WorldBattle through iconic cities filled with diverse arenas, stretching from New York to Los Angeles. Win it all and rise as the World Champion.

To Download Robotic Warriors For PC,les utilisateurs doivent installer un émulateur Android comme le lecteur MuMu. Avec le lecteur Mumu,you can Download Robotic Warriors for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 et ordinateur portable.

How to Play Robotic Warriors on PC,Portable,les fenêtres

1.Téléchargez et installez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player.Cliquez "Télécharger MuMu Player" Télécharger.

2.Exécutez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player et connectez-vous au Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Robotic Warriors and download,

Ou importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans MuMu Player pour l'installer.

4.Install Robotic Warriors for PC.Now you can play Robotic Warriors on PC.Have fun!

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