Skeleton Attack


Kill a few skeletons with a swipe of a finger? Sure, but what happens when hordes of skeletons attack you all at once?
Swipe your way through the barren lands of the Forgotten Kingdom, but beware; not all Skeletons are alike! As you gain new skills, the Skeletons evolve (and they have a bit of an attitude). Master this simple but innovative gameplay to unlock new powers before the next Skeleton Attack. Escaping the Forgotten Kingdom will not be easy, but it can be doneif you have the courage and the skill. Pick up your shield, defend against each skeleton attack, and never stop fighting! Buona fortuna, and there\’s one more thing: NEVER turn your back on a Skeleton!!!
Caratteristiche del gioco
Slide your finger in the direction you want to attack.
Defend against remote attacks by holding the defense button.
Amazing 3D artwork gives life to this undead army!
Upgrade your warrior to unlock new skills.
Kill skeletons to gather Anger Power and trigger super skills.

To Download Skeleton Attack For PC,gli utenti devono installare un emulatore Android come il lettore MuMu. Con il lettore Mumu,you can Download Skeleton Attack for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 e computer portatile.

How to Play Skeleton Attack on PC,Computer portatile,finestre

1.Scarica e installa l'emulatore Android MuMu Player. Fai clic "Scarica il lettore MuMu" scaricare.

2.Esegui l'emulatore Android MuMu Player e accedi a Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Skeleton Attack and download,

Oppure importa il file apk dal tuo PC in MuMu Player per installarlo.

4.Install Skeleton Attack for PC.Now you can play Skeleton Attack on PC.Have fun!

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