Make your rain-White noise


Introduce the \’make your rain – my bisori\’ series (white noise) white noise to improve stability and concentration of my mind.
Features 1. It guarantees the best sound quality,recorded by state-of -the-art equipment not common library.
Features 2. The richness of sound indicate the quantity of rain not just physical volume sound of rain.
Features 3. Please add a wide range of ambient noise … It make you easy and comfortable and create familiar environment to me.
The app contains following sound effects
7 Kinds of Rain sound (A seven cases, according to the amount of rain)
Frog Sound
Thunderstorm Sound
Updated 2017.02.22
– Various non-sound configurations
– Add a piano song
Please enjoy various non-sound according to the mood of the day.
It\’s a must-have app for those who like rain sound.
Create your own rain sound with variety of rain sound and effects.

To Download Make your rain-White noise For PC,users need to install an Android Emulator like MuMu player.With Mumu player,you can Download Make your rain-White noise for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 and Laptop.

How to Play Make your rain-White noise on PC,Laptop,Windows

1.Download and Install MuMu Player Android Emulator.Click "Download MuMu Player" to download.

2.Run MuMu Player Android Emulator and login Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Make your rain-White noise and download,

Or import the apk file from your PC Into MuMu Player to install it.

4.Install Make your rain-White noise for PC.Now you can play Make your rain-White noise on PC.Have fun!

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